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Oskar Diethelm Library, Weill Cornell Medical College

Committees of GAP

The core of GAP is its working committees. Each GAP member belongs to a committee related to their special interest and competence; for example, Child Psychiatry, Social Issues, Aging, Preventive Psychiatry, Psychiatry in Industry, and Psychiatry and Law. Each committee selects a subject for exploration and calls in expert consultants from other disciplines when indicated. The members of GAP have worked closely with other specialists, such as anthropologists, biologists, economists, statisticians, educators, lawyers, nurses, psychologists, sociologists, social workers, and experts in mass communication, philosophy, and semantics. Over a two-to-four-year period, the committee collects and evaluates data and prepares a Report. This Report is distributed to the total membership of GAP for critical review and comment, revised as indicated, and reviewed by the Publications Board prior to publication. Membership in GAP is strictly by invitation, not by direct application, and is offered to those who have demonstrated superior capacity to generate ideas, work effectively in groups, and produce at a high level. Many noted leaders in psychiatric education, research, administration, and practice are GAP members, and they have made contributions to specific areas to which GAP is devoted. When no longer actively pursuing GAP activities, many members become "contributing members."