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Anne P, aged 38.
'Abortion' definition
pages 3-4 of 1824 book 'Lexicon medicum, or, Medical dictionary' by Robert Hopper
'Contractae ex ueteribus medicinae sermones XVI' title page
title page of 1553 book 'Contractae ex ueteribus medicinae sermones XVI' by Aetius of Amida
'Contractae ex ueteribus medicinae tetrabiblos' title page
title page of 1549 book 'Contractae ex ueteribus medicinae tetrabiblos' by Aetius
'De medica materia libri sex' title page
title page of 1554 book 'De medica materia libri sex' by Dioscorides Pedanius
'Libri in re medica omnes, qui hactenus ad nos pervenere' title page
title page of 1564 book 'Libri in re medica omnes, qui hactenus ad nos pervenere' by Avicenna (
Ibn Sīnā
'Madness Network News' Vol. 6 No. 1, Fall 1980
front page of the Fall 1980 edition of 'Madness Network News', Vol. 6 No. 1
'Novocain' Advertisement
advertisement from page iv of 1912 book 'Early Mental Disease'
'Result of Subcutaneous Injection'
page 73 of 1881 book 'Drugs that enslave : the opium, morphine, chloral and hashisch habits' by H. H. Kane (Harry Hubbel)
'Secunda classis materiam sanitatis' title page
title page of 1556 book 'Secunda classis materiam sanitatis' by Galen
'Stop the Therapeutic State' Flyer
'STOP THE THERAPEUTIC STATE' circa 1984 flyer promoting August 19 rally at San Francisco's Union Square
'The Opal' Vol. II No. V title page
title page of 1852 journal 'The Opal' Vol. II No. V edited by the Patients of the State Lunatic Asylum, Utica, NY
"Blackwell's Island"
Poem about Charles Julius Guiteau, assassin of President Garfield. The poem was written by Rev. James Ballard of Red Oak, IA, and sent to John K. Porter, prosecuting attorney in the trial of Guiteau.
"It has been suggested that the stigmatized individual defines himself as no different from any other human being, while at the same time he and those around him define him as someone set apart."
Still Image
"Protect Your Local Abortionist" Pin
red pin-back button reading "PROTECT YOUR LOCAL ABORTIONIST" circa 1960-1980
Still Image
"Sadists & Bellevue Psychiatrists Unite..." Pin
yellow pin-back button reading "SADISTS & Bellevue PSYCHIATRISTS UNITE..." circa 1960-1980
Still Image
"Stamp Out Mental Health" Pin
red pin-back button reading "STAMP OUT MENTAL HEALTH" circa 1960-1980
"The consequence of a presentation that is perforce made to the public at large may be small in particular contacts, but in every contact there will be some consequences, which, taken together, can be immense.”
"The stigmatized individual is asked to act so as to imply neither that his burden is heavy nor that bearing it has made him different from us."
“[The stigmatized are] reduced in our minds from a whole and usual person to a tainted, discounted one.”
“The normal and the stigmatized are not persons but rather perspectives."
“When the stigmatized person's failing can be perceived by our merely directing attention [to him]... he is likely to feel that to be present among normals nakedly exposes him to invasions of privacy.”
[Woman seated with a psychograph, a phrenology machine, on her head]
1 negative : glass ; 4 x 5 in. or smaller
(Coca Bush)
page 2 (Abb. I) of 1926 book 'Der kokainismus, geschichte, pathologie, medizinische und behördliche bekämpfung' by Hans W. Maier (Hans Wolfgang)
Still Image
1996-1998 Ginsburg Fellows
Still Image
1999-2000 Ginsburg Fellows
Still Image
2002-2004 Fellows
20th Anniversary photograph from Philadelphia meeting
20th Anniversary photograph from Philadelphia meeting
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