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Collection: Stigma
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An Unreliable Mother
A Genuine Mother
Phrenology booth at fair in London, Ohio, 1938.
Phrenology: Chart
Chart from 'The Phrenological Journal' ("Know Thyself"), print from Dr. E. Clark.
Ad placed for the Phrenological Museum at 775 Broadway
Cover of The Phrenological and Physiological Almanac for 1847
A sketch of the Phrenological Cabinet from a February 1860 edition of the New York Illustrated News.
Photograph of Samuel Robert Wells, Charlotte Fowler Wells, and Lorenzo N. Fowler standing in the doorway of S.R. Wells & Co., ca. 1880s
Photograph: phrenological head by L. N. Fowler
A head containing over thirty images symbolising the phrenological faculties. Wood engraving, c. 1845, after O.S. Fowler (?).
Johann Caspar Spurzheim.
Stipple engraving.
[Woman seated with a psychograph, a phrenology machine, on her head]
1 negative : glass ; 4 x 5 in. or smaller
Franz Joseph Gall. Lithograph by A. Legrand, 1828.
Franz Joseph Gall examining the head of a pretty young girl, while three gentlemen wait in line. Coloured lithograph by E.H., 1825.
1 print : lithograph, with watercolour ; image 13.2 x 18.4 cm
Franz Joseph Gall (1758 - 1828), German neuroanatomist and physiologist
Charles Dickens reading in New York by C A Barry
"It has been suggested that the stigmatized individual defines himself as no different from any other human being, while at the same time he and those around him define him as someone set apart."
The head of an ox and the head of an ox-like man: three figures of each, showing their physiognomical relations. Etching, c. 1820, after C. Le Brun.
1 print : etching
A phrenologist working on the head of a boy. Watercolour painting by J. Leech.
1 painting : watercolour
The devil examining the head of a boy; three other boys lurk under the devil's wings; frontispiece to a manual on phrenology. Steel engraving by J.D. Nargeot, 1847, after H. Bruyères.
1 print : steel engraving
Members of the British Association playing at phrenology on board a ship on its way to South Africa. Photograph by J.T. Bottomley, 1905.
1 photograph (album folio 1 verso) : photoprint ; image 9.7 x 7.5 cm
Three vignettes of phrenological heads and two phrenological propensities, amativeness and self love. Wood engraving by Dellagana after G. Cruikshank.
1 print : wood engraving ; border 23 x 14.8 cm
An anxious man comparing his own head to a skull, using the technique of phrenology. Oil painting by Theodore Lane, 1820's
1 painting : oil on wood ; wood 32.5 x 24.5 cm
Phrenological chart with portraits of historical figures and illustrations of skulls exhibiting racial characteristics. Lithograph by G. E. Madeley, authored by C. Donovan, c. 1850.
1 print : lithograph ; border 49.6 x 36.4 cm
A servants' employment agency where prospective employees are having their heads phrenologically examined as to their suitabililty. Coloured etching by W. Taylor.
1 print : etching, with watercolour ; border 19 x 22.6 cm
A head marked with images representing the phrenological faculties, with a key below. Coloured wood engraving, ca. 1845, after H. Bushea and O.S. Fowler (?).
1 print : wood engraving (?), with watercolour and letterpress
Phrenological head of Sir Robert Peel as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Lithograph, ca. 1844.
1 print; lithograph
George Combe lecturing on phrenology, portrayed with protuberances on his head. Coloured lithograph, 1826.
1 print : chalk lithograph, with watercolour ; border 23.2 x 30.7 cm
Bless me what a bump!!! Esq. D.M.
A smartly dressed woman examining the head of a military man. Coloured etching attributed to W. Heath, ca 1830.
1 print : etching, with watercolour ; platemark 37.5 x 26 cm.
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