Utilizing the resources at the Diethelm Library, this exhibit examines cocaine's introduction to medicine, where it was first championed within psychiatry and neurology.
This exhibit explores the events surrounding the trial of Charles Julius Guiteau, who assassinated American President James Garfield in 1881. Topics covered include the history of the insanity defense and the growing relevance of eugenic thought in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Drawing on the Oskar Diethelm Library's collections, this exhibit makes use of unpublished notes and manuscripts to provide a unique perspective on this landmark moment in the history of the relationship between psychiatry and law.
Utilizing the resources at the Diethelm Library, this exhibit examines cocaine's introduction to medicine, where it was first championed within psychiatry and neurology.
This exhibit explores the activist and intellectual movement of anti-psychiatry, drawing upon resources from the Oskar Diethelm Library. Largely focused on the USA and Canada, it explores patient voices in the collection, as well as anti-psychiatry’s origins and 20th century expressions.
Photograph of Senator Roscoe Conkling, leader of the Stalwart faction of Republicans in the 1880 election. Enemy of Garfield and Blane. 1876 after 1868 negative.